By Baron Sekiya | Hawaii 24/7
This photograph of the moon is a composite of several photographs taken Tuesday (June 14) from the Visitor Information Station at the 9,200 foot level elevation of Mauna Kea. The composite of several photos was used to increase the range of viewable tones in the image. Click on the moon above for a larger view.
Tonight is a full moon and in some parts of the world a lunar eclipse was visible, unfortunately you could not in see it in Hawaii or North America.
(Technical details about the image: Shot with a Canon 60D, Canon 300mm 2.8L doubled with a Canon 2x teleconverter to 600mm. Shot at ISO200, f/10 at various shutter speeds. HDR photograph composited in Photoshop.)
Beautiful! Mahalo to Baron & Hawai`i 24/7!