UH-Hilo, Hatch Education offer online courses


Nationally leading higher education, career and standardized test preparation experts Scott and Lisa Hatch will offer their Accounting Assistant training program this spring in conjunction with the University of Hawaii-Hilo’s College of Continuing Education and Community Service, the latest in a series of professional development courses offered through the college.

Hatch Education’s latest online offering joins two other new courses launched this year through CCECS, an “Executive Administrative Assistant Certificate Course” and a “Finding Money for College” seminar.

“Since 1986, our graduates have experienced a great deal of international success through our work with The University of Hawaii. Our relationship has proven very rewarding and CCECS continues to provide the most professionally rewarding classes to the Big Island community,” said Scott Hatch, J.D., Hatch Education’s CEO.

“Our new courses offer training in some of today’s fastest-growing fields, with additional instruction available regarding how to pay for such education,” he said, referencing the “Finding Money for College” course, which helps students learn about the various types of financial aid available, from the procurement of public grants and scholarships and to other, more non-traditional savings vehicles.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook for 2010-2011 states that administrative assistant occupations currently provide the largest number of job openings, in part due to the fact that many administrative assistants are now assuming additional responsibilities that were once reserved for office managers and other professional staff.

“Our Executive Administrative Assistant Certificate Course offers students the groundwork to launch a challenging, lifetime career in nearly any professional office environment,” Hatch said. “While it’s no secret that secondary education is critical in securing today’s best jobs, we repeatedly hear that the first hurdle for students is determining how to pay for that education. We designed our ‘Finding Money for College Course’ with these realities in mind.”

To register or learn more about the latest programs offered by Hatch Education in conjunction with The University of Hawaii – Hilo, please contact the university’s CCECS at (808) 974-7664, ccecs@uhh.hawaii.edu, or visit http://hilo.hawaii.edu/academics/ccecs/

For additional information about professional training courses that have been offered through Hatch Education since 1987, call 1-877-428-2407, email info@hatchedu.com, or visit www.hatchedu.com