STIP 2011-2014 approved by federal administrations


Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration have jointly approved the 2011-2014 (+2) STIP, or Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

Estimated funding levels that were previously programmed in the STIP and presented at the second round of public meetings in July and August 2010 have been revised and reduced since, as a result of new guidance and information the Hawaii Department of Transportation received from FHWA after public outreach efforts were completed. This guidance necessitated an extra $27 million federal-aid reduction over a three-year period between FFY 2012-2014.

State-sponsored projects on the neighbor islands have been reprogrammed to utilize advanced construction, an innovative financing tool that programs reimbursements in future years as long as cash flow requirements for the project are met.

This also ensures the original year that these projects were scheduled to be obligated have been maintained. This revised version of the STIP has been approved by FHWA and FTA.

HDOT held two rounds of public informational meetings to discuss the development of the new FFY 2011-2014 STIP. The purpose of the first round of meetings was to solicit comments on the draft fiscally unconstrained STIP through discussion and surveys asking the public to rank projects on their island “high,” “medium” or “low” priority.

At the second round meetings, officials presented the results of the survey along with the draft fiscally constrained STIP.

— Find out more:

Big Island project location maps:

Big Island STIP Survey Results: