‘Hamakua Hero: A True Plantation Story’ booksigning (Dec. 18)

Patsy Iwasaki and Avery Berido (Photo special to Hawaii 24/7)


“A Japanese storekeeper, K. Goto, was found dead this morning at 6 o’clock, hanging from a cross arm on a telephone pole about one hundred yards from the Honokaa jail. A two-inch thick rope, evidently purchased for the purpose, was used and, from all appearances, no bungling hands performed the work. The dead man’s hands and legs were pinioned and a genuine hangman’s knot was under his left ear.”

– Letter dated Oct. 29, 1889, published in the Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

Bess Press introduces the first historic graphic novel depicting the life and tragic murder of Katsu Goto, a Japanese immigrant and plantation worker who rose to prominence as a merchant in Honokaa.

Author Patsy Iwasaki writes and illustrator Avery Berido intricately draws a story that details the racial and cultural problems Japanese immigrants like Goto faced on the Hawaiian plantations.

At 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 18, Iwasaki and Berido will sign books at Basically Books in downtown Hilo.

Meet the author and illustrator, enjoy a piece of Hawaii’s culture, and learn about a historical legacy that happened along our very own Hamakua Coast. Avery Berido will be presenting a drawing demonstration at each event.

Bess Press Inc. has been publishing for Hawaii and the Pacific since 1979. For more than 30 years the family-owned business has been producing educational and popular general interest titles about the region.

Iwasaki, M.Ed. was born and raised on Kauai surrounded by sugar cane and plantations. Her grandparents immigrated to Hawaii from Hiroshima and worked on the Lihue Sugar Plantation. Iwasaki is currently a faculty member at the University of Hawaii at Hilo in the communication and English departments.

Big Island born and raised Berido is an art student at UH-Hilo and is a freelance artist.