Coqui, planning on Waimea agenda (Oct. 7)


Four hot topics for Waimea and North Hawaii residents, plus a brief piano performance by an extraordinary blind sixth grade Waimea student, are on the Waimea Community Association Town Meeting agenda this week.

Everyone is invited to the 5:15-7 p.m.Thursday, Oct. 7 meeting in Waimea School Cafeteria to discuss:

* Shivering but singing coqui. It’s no joke – several infestations have been located in Waimea but the sometimes chilly nights cause male frogs to stop singing. But they’re still multiplying. Discussion will include forming a Waimea invasive species response team to prevent the kind of coqui infestation plaguing Waipio Valley and East Hawaii communities.

* The newly appointed Waimea Planning & Design Review Committee, which will be meeting to review and comment on Parker Ranch’s Special Use Application for “Proposed Light Industrial and Commercial Office Use of Existing Structures and Use of Existing Rodeo Arena for Special Events.”

* How To Make Big Things Happen In Small Rural Hawaii Island Communities. Will include a glimpse at how the North Kohala Community Resource Center has dramatically reshaped what’s possible for many grassroots community groups, issues, and priorities in that community with guest presenters Chris Helmuth and Bob Martin.

* Amending the WCA ByLaws to redefine membership and break the link between payment of dues and participating in the 50+ year old community association.

A special musical interlude is planned to introduce 14-year-old Kuhao Kawaauhau-Case as the honorary Grand Marshall of the 50th Annual Waimea Christmas Twilight Parade and All-Day Lokahi Giving Project on Saturday, Dec. 4.

Kuhao is the son of Donovan Case and Pumehana Kawaahau; his paternal grandparents are Donald and Iwalani Case.

Kuhao will play several songs for the meeting to help entice the entire community to participate in this year’s historic 50th annual parade – “remembering when” – and also support the Lokahi in-gathering of gifts to support those in need.

There is no charge to participate though $12 membership is suggested to support association activities including what will be the 50th Annual Waimea Christmas Twilight Parade and All-Day Lohaki Giving Celebration on Saturday, Dec. 4.

As always, all who attend WCA monthly Town Meetings are asked to help Waimea’s hard-pressed food pantries by bringing a donation – preferably cash or a check – or non-perishable food items.

Cash or checks are given to the Waimea pantries to purchase gift certificates from Waimea grocery stores so that recipients are able to buy fresh items such as milk, vegetables or fruit as well as other essentials. Checks may be payable directly to a food pantry so may be tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Also, Starbucks-Waimea will again contribute hot coffee. WCA urges those who enjoy the coffee to express their gratitude by making a donation on the spot to the food pantry collection drive.

For more information including a copy of the Parker Ranch Special Use Application, and information, rules and application for the Waimea Christmas Twilight Parade, call Sherman Warner at 885-1725 or visit