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Segobia is Kona’s ‘Officer of the Month’ (Oct. 6)

The Kona Crime Prevention Committee “Officer of the Month” luncheon will feature Officer Marco Segobia.

In May, Segobia responded to a domestic dispute during which the female
victim was severely beaten, choked and threatened with a knife, and reportedly had a gun held to the back of her head by a very large enraged male. She was told twice by the suspect that he was going to kill her.

By the time the police arrived the suspect had left the scene. Segobia searched the area for the suspect’s vehicle and was eventually able to follow the suspect in his truck.

Unable to contact dispatch, Segobia drew his gun, commanded the man to lie on the ground, cautiously moved closer, made positive identification, and handcuffed the suspect.

The suspect was charged with five counts of abuse of a household member, four counts of terror threat, three counts of assault, one count of kidnapping, and one count of unlawful imprisonment.

The lunch is noon Wednesday, Oct. 6 at The Paddlers Restaurant at King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel.

Keith Kamito, chief of state narcotics No. 1 enforcement division, will be the speaker at the luncheon.

The Kona Crime Prevention Committee encourages community involvement in aiding and supporting the Kona Police Department in their efforts to prevent crime, deter potential criminals and enforce the law.

The public is invited to attend the Officer of the Month luncheons held on the first Wednesday of each month. Cost of the luncheon is $15, all inclusive at the Paddlers Restaurant. Parking in the lot is an additional $2.

Reservations are necessary and may be made by contacting Marlana Simpson at 325-5061.

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