‘Instant Piano’ sign up deadline Sept. 17


From Aloha Performing Arts Company:

If you ever even considered enrolling in the Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People (or Piano by Ear) workshop, you need to do so now. The instructor for the class comes over from the mainland just to give the piano workshops, and we are rapidly approaching the cancellation deadline.

Perhaps we can blame the economy, but in the last few months, non-credit student/customers like you have been waiting until the last minute to sign up for classes. For local instructors it isn’t usually a problem. But instructors like Robert need a week’s notice before they commit to making the trip to Hawaii. I’m sure you can appreciate the traveling expenses involved for the instructor.

As of now the enrollment is below the minimum to run the class. It would be a real shame if we had to cancel the entire workshop series because we fall one or two shy of the minimum enrollment.

So please. If you were putting this off, don’t put it off any longer, or we might have to cancel everything. Call 322-9924 to reserve by Friday, Sept. 17.

Robert Laughlin has come to Hawaii once a year for the past 22 years and his workshops have been very well received, according to student evaluations. One student in Hilo took it 13 years ago when he was a total beginner at age 70. Now at the age of 83 he entertains people on the piano in Hilo every week.

If you sign up now, and the class still cancels, of course you will receive a full refund. But wait too long, and it will be too late.

We know these are trying times for many of us, and we are having to watch our expenses carefully. But that’s just one more reason to enroll. What you will get from this workshop will be at a fraction of the cost of getting it from a private teacher. And many private teachers don’t even teach pop piano anyway.

All you need to do to reserve your space is to call us at 322-9924 or visit apachawaii.org

Mahalo for understanding,

Sam Valenti