Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park and Kaawaloa peninsula within the bay are two of Hawaii’s most significant historical and cultural locations, with an abundance of fragile and significant archaeological sites.
To protect these sensitive natural resources, the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) is reminding the public of the restriction in place against the beaching, mooring, or launching of any vessel without a permit at Kaawaloa in Kealakekua Bay.
DLNR has installed signs at Kaawaloa and on the Napoopoo Landing indicating that any person beaching, mooring or launching a kayak or other vessel along the shoreline or at the wharf adjacent to the Cook Monument without a permit from the DLNR will be subject to civil penalty, and the kayak or vessel may be subject to confiscation.
Kayak rental vendors should advise their customers of the Kaawaloa landing restriction. Kayak rental vendors and private owners of any kayak used in Kealakekua Bay should ensure that their kayaks are clearly marked as their property in order to facilitate retrieval in the event it is confiscated.
Three-inch tall letters representing the first letter of owner’s name and first two letters of owner’s last (or second) name along with an inventory number for multiple kayaks should be permanently marked on the port side (left) bow of the kayak.
Noncommercial landing permits for Kaawaloa are available at the Division of State Parks, Hawaii District office, 75 Aupuni St., Room 204, Hilo, HI 96729; telephone (808) 974-6200 or online at – under the heading “Announcements.”
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