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Kalapana lava update (Aug. 17)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 3:15 PM HST (Thursday, August 19, 2010 01:15 UTC)

Current Volcano Alert Level: WATCH
Current Aviation Color Code: ORANGE

Kalapana Update

Lava from the TEB vent is flowing through tubes that carry lava down-slope, feeding scattered breakouts on the coastal plain and pali west/northwest of Kalapana Gardens.

The surface flow from Monday’s breakout crossed the road (end of Hwy 130) overnight, but advanced only about 50 m (160 feet) before stalling. Another surface flow broke out of the tube about 1.4 km (0.9 miles) west of the subdivision entrance, but by this morning, the flow was barely active, with only a few very small and sluggish lava toes creeping to the south. No houses are threatened by this flow.

The Puhi-o-Kalaikini (west) ocean entry remains active, producing two robust steam plumes on the seaward edge of a lava delta that is more than 900 m (2,950 ft) wide.

HAZARD ALERT: The lava deltas and adjacent areas both inland and out to sea are some of the most hazardous areas on the flow field. Frequent delta/bench collapses give little warning, can produce hot rock falls inland and in the adjacent coastal waters, and can produce large local waves. The steam plume produced by lava entering the ocean contains fine lava fragments and an assortment of acid droplets that can be harmful to your health. The rapidly changing conditions near the ocean entry have been responsible for many injuries and a few deaths.

Public Access Information: Kalapana Gardens is a private subdivision and access will only be granted to subdivision residents. Private property borders highway 130 through Kalapana and no one is allowed access off the highway easement. County Police will be monitoring the area.

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