Senators Inouye and Akaka lauds the approval of Kagan as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court


WASHINGTON— Senator Daniel K. Inouye issued the following statement following the confirmation of Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s nomination to serve as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Kagan’s nomination was approved by the Senate today 63-37 with Senator Inouye voting in favor.

“Elena Kagan is widely-regarded as one of the nation’s leading legal scholars.  Her public service and legal experience, work as a teacher, service as a White House and Senate aide, and representing the government as the nation’s Solicitor General, have contributed to Ms. Kagan’s intellect, judgment, and independence.”


“As the first woman to serve as Dean at Harvard Law School, Ms. Kagan was highly respected for her ability to build consensus among diverse groups.  She diversified the political discourse on campus by hiring professors from a wide political spectrum.  While working as a White House aide, Ms. Kagan was known to reach across the aisle to work with both Democrats and Republicans on issues like restricting tobacco companies from targeting ads at children.  As the daughter of a public school teacher and a housing lawyer, Ms. Kagan understands that decisions made by the Supreme Court have an impact on the lives of Americans.  As Solicitor General, she has argued cases to protect consumers, prevent elections from being taken over by special interests, and protect our national security.  Ms. Kagan recognizes the extraordinary role of the Supreme Court to uphold the law and enable all Americans to receive a fair hearing and an equal chance at justice.”

“I have no doubt that Ms. Kagan will be an exceptional addition to the Supreme Court.  I had the chance to meet with the Solicitor General and was impressed with her intellect and demeanor.  Her judicial temperament, integrity and ability to navigate complex issues will be an asset to our highest court.  I have had the privilege of seeing the makeup of the court diversify through the years and it is a better institution because of it.”

Senator Daniel K. Akaka said, “I was proud to support Elena Kagan’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court today. She is highly qualified and exceptionally intelligent. I know she will do a tremendous job upholding our Constitution. When she is sworn in, there will be three sitting female justices for the first time in our history. The court will be closer to reflecting America.”