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Campaign spending update for leading gubernatorial candidates

Reports compiled by Karin Stanton | Hawaii 24/7 Contributing Editor

Although he only officially entered the race two weeks ago, gubernatorial candidate Mufi Hannemann has been adding to his campaign bank account for at least a year.

And, according to campaign spending reports, he has raised almost $2.5 million.

Right behind him is Republican frontrunner Duke Aiona with $2.3 million reported and Hannemann’s challenger for the Democratic nomination, Neil Abercrombie, also has raised more than $2 million.

The next report is due Sept. 8.

From Aiona’s campaign:

Lt. Governor Duke Aiona has announced he has raised more than $370,000 in the first six months of 2010, including more than 1,350 donations of $100 or less. In the last six months of 2009, Aiona raised nearly 950 donations of $100 or less.

Aiona has raised more than $2.3 million during his gubernatorial campaign. Approximately 88 percent of his donations have come from Hawaii residents.

“This campaign will be won at the grassroots level, and our fundraising efforts reflect the broad grassroots support we’re seeing across the state,” Aiona said. “I am the only candidate who will create jobs and keep down the financial burden on our working families and small businesses, reform our public education system and move Hawaii toward a clean energy future. We are so thankful for every donation we receive, which we treat as an investment in a brighter future.”

From Hannemann’s campaign:

Mufi Hannemann’s campaign raised $822,305 in the first six months of this year; a strong indication of the tremendous support Hannemann has garnered in his bid to become Hawaii’s next governor.

As of June 30, the Hannemann organization had more than $2 million cash on hand. During the same period, the campaign spent $850,000.

“We’re extremely grateful for the financial support people have shown us and more importantly, for the commitment they’ve shown to Mufi’s gubernatorial bid,” said Dean Okimoto, campaign chair.

About half of the donations received were $100 or less, demonstrating Hannemann’s widespread grassroots support across the state.

The campaign filings indicate receipt of funds from two Pittsburgh donors. These contributions were returned, but are listed as donations because they were not sent back to donors within seven days of receipt.

The filing also lists a loan of $2,117.39 associated with that same fundraising event. That money was also returned to the donor, but is listed because the refund was made after the window closed.


Neil Abercrombie has raised slightly more than $2-million. He has spent about $1.6 million and has $468,942 left in cash.

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