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Smith honored as Kona ‘Officer of the Month’ (July 7)


The July “Officer of the Month” luncheon will feature Detective Sean Smith, Area II Criminal Investigation Section, assigned himself to investigate information he developed which lead to the apprehension of an alleged armed and dangerous individual suspected of committing numerous crimes on the Big Island.

The suspect, who was terrorizing his victims, was later charged with eight felony crimes and two misdemeanor crimes. Through Smith’s actions a violent and dangerous person was removed from our community, ending his ability to terrorize others and committing more crimes.

The lunch is noon Wednesday, July 7 at The Paddlers Restaurant at King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel.

Jim Higgins, Trustee of Kona Hospital, will be the featured speaker at the luncheon.

The Kona Crime Prevention Committee is an organization that encourages community involvement in aiding and supporting the Kona Police Department in their efforts to prevent crime, deter potential criminals and enforce the law.

Membership is open to organizations or individuals wishing to further the purposes of the Kona Crime Prevention Committee and is effective upon payment of dues.

The public is invited to attend the Officer of the Month luncheons held on the first Wednesday of each month. Cost of the luncheon is $15, all inclusive at the Paddlers Restaurant. Parking in the King Kamehameha lot is an additional $2.

For reservations, call Liz Holey at 326-7787

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