Waimea Middle School hosts incoming 6th graders (May 3)


In just 14 weeks, Waimea Elementary School’s current 5th grade students will make the exciting transition to Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School to begin 6th grade.

This is a huge change – from one classroom where the child interacts primarily with one teacher…to a new campus, changing classrooms 5-6 times a day and many new teachers and staff to work with.

To help with this transition, families of current WES 5th Grade students are invited to WMS’ annual Incoming 6th Grade Family Orientation Gathering, 5-7 p.m. Monday, May 3.

Families are asked to come to the middle school office to be directed to classroom L-03 near the basketball court.

The orientation will include an overview of why WMS opted to become the state’s first public conversion charter school, and how this translates into student support for both academic progress and growth of the whole child.

The program also will provide families with details on several summer options including an important free 20-day Summer Jump Start sponsored jointly by Waimea Elementary and Waimea Middle Schools, and also Kamehameha Schools summer enrichment program.

There is no charge for families to attend the May 3 orientation, which will conclude with a light dinner for the entire family.

Families with questions are asked to call school registrar Betty Healy (887-6090 Ext. 228) or Michelle Kauhi in the school office (887-6090 Ext. 222).