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West Hawaii Fisheries Council meeting in Kona (March 18)


The West Hawaii Fisheries Council (WHFC), a community-based marine advisory organization holds regular monthly meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 18 at Hale Au Kahakai (Hawaii Big Game Fishing Club) at Honokohau Harbor.

The March meeting will begin with a power-point presentation by Dr. William Walsh focused on the “Historical and Ecological Overview of the Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor.”

Walsh is the Marine Biologist in charge of the West Hawaii office of the Division of Aquatic Resources and he will cover the beginnings of the harbors at Kawaihae from 1940’s when the reef was considered pristine, through the 1957 Plowshare Program and the 1975 deep draft harbor. The small boat harbor was blasted in 1969/70 with Project Tugboat.

Eight committees collect information and make suggestions to the Fisheries Council which, Acting under Act 306, advises the Division of Aquatic Resources on actions which will protect and preserve the resources in West Hawaii.

The West Hawaii Fisheries Council is always seeking new members to sustain the broad scope and all of the interested ocean community is cordially invited to attend Council meetings on the third Thursday of every month or to join one of the Council committees.

Applications to join the Council can be picked up at the Kona/Honokohau Division of Aquatic Resources office at Honokohau Harbor, from a member of the council or emailing

The mission of the West Hawaii Fisheries Council is to “manage fishery activities to ensure sustainability, enhance nearshore resources, minimize resource depletion and manage conflicts of use.”

For more information, contact Marni Herkes at 987-2171 or or Glennon Gingo at 960-9348.

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