Waimea town meeting features legislators talking about community concerns

Community invited to talk-story about 2010 legislative ‘Hot Buttons’ at Jan. 14 Waimea Town Meeting

What’s your “hot button” for the 2010 Legislative session that starts next Wed., Jan. 20? Is it jobs? Stopping DOE Furlough Fridays? Counties hanging on to the Transient Accommodations Tax (TAT)? Energy or Ag self-sufficiency? The Kawaihae Bypass? Mortgage foreclosure relief? Recruiting more docs? Government efficiency or downsizing?

Waimea’s elected policy makers – Sen. Dwight Takamine and Rep. Cindy Evans – will participate in this Thursday’s Waimea Community Association Town Meeting to discuss their overview of the 2010 Legislative session and hear from the community about local concerns, priorities and perspectives.

Everyone is invited to all WCA Town Meetings. This month’s meeting will be at 5:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 14, 2010 in Waimea School Cafeteria. All meetings this year will be held in the cafeteria to better facilitate networking and community building. However, meetings are usually held the first Thursday of the month. It was moved this month to accommodate the legislator’s schedules.

To set priorities for Thursday’s legislative discussion, attendees will be given colored dots on arrival to “vote” for their top concerns or areas of interest before the meeting begins and then the issues will be discussed in that order of priority.

Also on the agenda will be election of a new WCA President and re-election of its Treasurer as well as adopting proposed amendments to the WCA Bylaws. All WCA members in good standing may vote in the election, which means that they are current on WCA dues of $12 per year.

Nominees for the two positions are Sherman Warner for President and Brian Thomas for Treasurer. Warner has served as WCA Vice president for the past two years and before that as Treasurer. Thomas has served as treasurer for the past year.

To review the proposed amended Bylaws ahead of time, go to www.WaimeaCommunityAssociation.org.

For more information, contact Bill Sanborn (895-1122).