Permaculture design certification course (Jan. 15-21)

Tom Baldwin is one of the teachers featured at the permaculture design certification course. (Photo special to Hawaii 24/7)


Where: Uluwehi Farm and Nursery, Hawi

When: Jan. 5-21, 2010

Teachers: Craig Elevitch, Nik Bertulis, Tom Baldwin

Experience the 72-hour permaculture design certification curriculum on a diverse permaculture farm at the northern tip of Hawaii Island. We shall learn this design science as a deep intuitive practice, broadening our awareness of natural whole systems and deepening our ability to create organic self-sustaining gardens and orchards, organize dwellings and structures, and design in harmony with overall patterns in the landscape.

This course will benefit any farm or ranch owner, gardener, landscape designer, architect, and those wanting more in-depth knowledge of ecological living skills. Share delicious organic meals and make new friends. Camp on-site or stay in town at the local Village Inn in Hawi.

Topics included: Theory and principles of permaculture, ecological house design, recycling and waste management, organic food production, harvesting water for farms and households, natural methods for pest and plant diseases, soil rehabilitation and erosion control, animal systems and aquaculture, catastrophic preparedness and prevention, windbreaks and fire control, climate types and design strategies, appropriate trees and species selection, community economies and relocalization.

This course covers self-reliance and community resilience. Relocalize economies and demonstrate human-scale systems. This is a core curriculum for all those interested in ecological and economical sustainability.

For full course description e-mail or visit