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Mauna Kea access road is open


Friday, November 27, 2009 – 11:49 a.m.

The summit road has been opened to the public. The dusting of snow from last night has melted.

This announcement is primarily used to inform the public about road closures that typically occur during the winter months due to ice or snow on the road and occasionally for high wind situations.

There are very few road closures from April 1 through November 30, and this message will not be updated during this time period unless unusual circumstances develop.

MEDIA RELEASE (11/27/09)

The road to the summit of Mauna Kea is currently closed to the public. A light dusting of snow up to 1/2” blanketed the summit above 12,500 ft. early this morning. This message will be changed as soon as there is any change in the road condition.

This announcement is primarily used to inform the public about road closures that typically occur during the winter months due to ice or snow on the road and occasionally for high wind situations.

There are very few road closures from April 1 through November 30, and this message will not be updated during this time period unless unusual circumstances develop.

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