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Ohana Hoopakele against closing of Kulani Prison

Video by David Corrigan | Big Island Video News


20091119_OH Press Conference

Longtime advocate for pa`ahao incarcerated in prisons both in Hawai`i and on the continental United States of America, Ohana Hoopakele announced its opposition to the closing of Kulani Correctional Facility on the island of Hawai`i.

Ohana Hoopakele has long been an advocate for an alternative for prisons in the form of a pu`uhonua or a wellness center for pa`ahao. It believes that a model pu`uhonua should be built at the site of Kulani Correctional Facility upon the 200 acres site. Kulani has the site and personnel that most resembles a pu`uhonua and can become self-sufficient financially.

Ohana Hoopakele members researched the infrastructure and history of the Kulani facility. Years ago Kulani had 300 pigs and 200 cattle at a site with a million gallon reservoir. It has woodwork facilities, motor vehicle repair shop, a gym with body-building equipment, an educational center and computer center that can train pa`ahao to lead financially sound lives upon release. Providing human labor, maile leis, woodcraft and repairs of state motor vehicles has helped save the State of Hawaii at least $200,000 per year for the last twelve years. Of all the facilities under the control of the Department of Public Safety Kulani is the closest to being self-sufficient.

There is even rumor that the State of Hawai`i Department of Defense wants Kulani for a military training area.

Keep Kulani Correctional Facility open! Build a model pu`uhonua upon the Kulani site!

Ohana Hoopakele contact:
Samuel Kaleleiki Jr., President
Cell: 808-937-7193
P.O. Box 5530
Hilo, HI 96720
Or email:

One Response to “Ohana Hoopakele against closing of Kulani Prison”

  1. Emeq ben Yosef says:

    Aloha Aina:

    Interesting interview! However, has anyone checked into the background of this alleged president? I seem to recall numerous times this individual has been in the local newspapers about a variety of subjects; placing him clearly in the public venue. The Ohana Hoopakele is on a list of non profit groups here in Hawaii, has anyone checked their books to see how their funding is handled? I seem to also recall this man advocating for a group called the Kingdom of Hawaii, or something of the sort. So, where does this place his loyalties; with this group that advocates the retaking of Hawaii, or at least the destruction of the State of Hawaii; so since he takes our tax monies for his non profit how does this wash with his overthrow ideas? In looking up this group: They call themselves The Reinstated Hawaiian Government and their website is:, looking down the contact list we find Sam, as above with the same phone number you published, and he’s listed as a contact individual and an elected representative for District 1, Puna. So with his appearance here for this interview, who exactly is he representing, and why? Me thinks me smells more than week old fish here.


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