NRC meetings on Army’s DU permit application


Kona: 6-8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 26, King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel 

Hilo: 6-8:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 27, Hilo High School

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a notice of opportunity to request a hearing on a license application from the U.S. Army for possession of depleted uranium at two installations in Hawaii where depleted uranium remains from munitions training during the 1960s.

Enough depleted uranium remains on the sites to require an NRC possession license and environmental monitoring and physical security programs to ensure protection of the public and the environment.

The public meetings will explain the agency review of the Army’s license application and – if the license is subsequently granted – monitor and enforce the license to ensure there is no danger to public health and safety or the environment. 

Finally, the agency is requesting public comment on the Army’s plan.

In the 1960s, the Army used M101 spotting rounds made with depleted uranium in training soldiers with the Davy Crockett recoilless gun. The M101 rounds were used at proving grounds at Schofield Barracks on Oahu and the Pohakuloa Training Area on the Big Island until 1968.

Fragments of expended rounds remain on the ground in impact areas of those training ranges.

Following an Aug. 24 site visit to Schofield Barracks, NRC staff will conduct a meeting with Army representatives at the Hawaii Army National Guard’s Wahiawa Armory 487 FA. This meeting will be primarily for Army officials to discuss their monitoring plans for managing the depleted uranium.  

To request an adjudicatory hearing on this application, potential parties must demonstrate standing by showing how the proposed license might affect them. They must also raise at least one admissible contention challenging the license application. 

Guidance on how to file a petition for a hearing is contained in a Notice of License Application and Opportunity for Hearing, published Aug. 13 in the Federal Register and available online at

The deadline for requesting a hearing is Oct. 13. 

Members of the public may submit comments on the Army’s application until that date as well, to the NRC project manager, John J. Hayes, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mail Stop T8-F5, Washington, D.C., 20055-0001, or by e-mail at

The Army license application and associated documents, including the environmental monitoring and physical security plans and site characterization studies, are available through the NRC’s ADAMS online documents database at by entering these accession numbers: ML090070095, ML091950280, ML090900423 and ML091170322.

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