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ReefTalk: Steward on microbial water quality monitoring


ReefTalk: “Microbial Water Quality Monitoring”

When: 6:30-8:30p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 18
Where: Kealakehe High School Library (Kona)

Join us for Guest Presenter Dr. Grieg Steward’s Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii who will be discussing his research on microbial water quality monitoring.

Steward’s research interests include: the ecology and diversity of marine microbes, specifically how viruses and bacteria play a role in the marine environment and human health. Steward has been featured in the Star-Bulletin, the Honolulu Advertiser and on KHNL’s Earth and Sea project for the important research he has done on Vibrio. Past Vibrio research has taken Steward to New Orleans following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (fall 2005) and he continues to study Vibrio in Hawaii in the Ala Wai Canal on Oahu.

REEFTALKS are cosponsored by the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, the Malama Kai Foundation, the Hawaii Community Foundation and CZM/DBEDT. Talks are free public service presentations, held monthly, alternating between the Waimea/Kamuela and Kona areas of Hawaii Island.

For more information, call University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program at 808-329-2861.

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