Kahoa Street
A $329,655 contract for repairs, enhancing retaining walls and installing guard rails fronting parcel (TMK 27-014:010) on Kahoa street in South Hilo was awarded to Ludwig Construction. Construction is scheduled to being in late August, and will not disrupt traffic. It will take 60 days to complete.
Haihai Street
A $94,875 contract to provide an existing drainage channel on Haihai Street was awarded to William C. Loeffler Construction Inc. The project is under construction and scheduled for completion in October. The flow of traffic will not be interrupted.
East and North Hawai‘i
Public Works has awarded a $4.1 million contract to Site Engineering Inc., to begin improvements to comply with hurricane requirements, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and earthquake repairs for police and fire stations in North Hilo, HÄmakua, North Kohala, and Waimea. Photovoltaic panels will also be installed to reduce energy for electrical and air-conditioning systems at the Waimea Police and Fire station. The construction schedule will be announced in the fall. Similar improvements will be executed in three additional phases for all police and fire stations island-wide.
Old MÄmalahoa Highway and NÄpÅ‘opo‘o Road
CTS Earthmoving Inc. was awarded a $590,000 contract to repair retaining walls and slopes damaged by the October ’06 earthquakes at various locations between mileposts 110.4 on Old MÄmalahoa Highway and mile marker 9 on NÄpŠ‘opo‘ o Road in Kona. The project is scheduled to begin in mid-August and be finished in December 2009. The Federal government is funding 80% of the cost and the County will pay the remaining 20%.
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