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Mayor is briefed on Hurricane Felicia


Mayor Billy Kenoi was briefed on Hurricane Felicia at the Hawai’i County Civil Defense headquarters today, and reminded County of Hawai’i residents to always be vigilant and prepared in hurricane season.

Hurricane Felicia is about 1,700 miles East-Southeast of the Island of Hawai’i, and does not pose an immediate threat. The hurricane is forecasted to lose strength as it approaches the Hawaiian Islands, but Mayor Kenoi urged residents to review their contingency plans and check their Family Disaster Supplies kit.

Those disaster supplies should include a First-Aid kit, any special medicines that are needed, flashlights and batteries, a portable radio, drinking water and five to seven days of non-perishable foods.

Updates on Hurricane Felicia and tips on being prepared in hurricane season are posted at the Civil Defense Web site at

“Residents need to have a plan, need to know where the nearest shelter is and should always be prepared in hurricane season,” Mayor Kenoi said. “County, State and Federal officials will be closely monitoring Hurricane Felicia, and will provide regular updates for the public.”

Shelter locations are posted on the Internet at

One Response to “Mayor is briefed on Hurricane Felicia”

  1. Nancy says:

    I have a planned vacation with my daughter and grandsons beginning on August 9th in Maui. Is this going to be a problem? I am wondering about windy, bad weather and flights with the threat of the hurrican. We are looking forward to the warm, sunny beaches.


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