Mayor puts energy sustainability in focus

Mayor Billy Kenoi introduces the 'Green Team' of county workers, employees who have volunteered to find ways to save energy and reduce its use. Photo by Baron Sekiya/


Mayor Billy Kenoi today urged residents to join the County of Hawai‘i in its focus on increasing energy sustainability practices throughout our Island. Mayor Kenoi spoke at a press conference today in Hilo.

The County of Hawai‘i has embarked on a wide range of energy sustainability initiatives and programs that are part of a comprehensive approach to the environment that is unprecedented on the county level. Some of these were begun with past administrations, but others are being initiated now as the County commits to increasing awareness of the need for energy sustainability and reducing our environmental impact for generations to come in Hawaii.

“If we don’t pay attention to these kinds of energy sustaining initiatives today, we won’t have a tomorrow to hand to our keiki,” said Mayor Kenoi. “We must commit ourselves to a healthy future.

“I call on every resident of our island, every home, business and family, to think seriously about how they can apply good environmental practices, be more energy efficient and to take at least one positive step toward sustainability.”

Throughout the County, many programs (fact sheet attached) are taking place that put Hawai‘i County on the forefront of energy sustainability practices. These programs, when taken as a whole, are impressive in their scope and vision for our island.

First, a few facts we’re proud of:

Some we need to work on:

What we have to work with:

What the County is doing:

Building on past progress

Also this year