Aloha Slow Campers!
Come and experience the magic and timeless beauty of Waipio Valley at Moku Wai, the taro farm of Slow Food Hawaii members Alberta and Jayson Mock Chew. This will be an overnight campout, June 6-7, so dust off your camping gear if you haven’t used it in a while because this is an event not to be missed!
This event will kick off Slow Food Hawaii’s fundraising efforts for Terra Madre 2010 and is being graciously hosted by the Mock Chew family. Thanks to their generosity, 100% of the proceeds will go towards sending Hawaii Island delegates to the biennial international meeting of the Terra Madre Network in Turin, Italy in October 2010. To read more about Terra Madre, please go to:
The campout activities will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 6th, and will end at 12 noon on Sunday, June 7th. Jayson and Alberta have extended an invitation to all who would like to stay longer to please do so and leave at your leisure. They also encourage arriving whenever you wish on Saturday morning to set up your campsite and get settled in before the activities begin.
A delicious dinner lovingly prepared by Alberta and family will be served on Saturday night. Campers will be responsible for their own breakfast on Sunday morning (and other meals if you arrive early and/or stay late), soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and snacks. Drinking water will be available in Igloo jugs. Please bring your own plates, cups, glasses and eating utensils as well. There will be two communal propane burners for food preparation, but you’re also welcome to bring your own propane stoves or barbeque grills. Dishwashing can be done at the stream.
We will set up camp in a large open area on the farm. You may choose to sleep in tents or in your 4-wheel drive trucks or SUVs, or under the night sky if weather permits. There will be a large tent set up with table and chairs for eating and congregating.
The campout will begin at 1:00 p.m. with a tour of Moku Wai and talk about taro. We will then collect coconuts growing on the property and learn how to husk a coconut and harvest the meat and coconut milk. Kalae and Kanani Mock Chew (Alberta and Jayson’s son and daughter-in-law), who were delegates to Terra Madre in 2006, will speak to us after dinner on Saturday night about their Terra Madre experience and what it has meant to them. Other activities may include hiking, swimming and a craft activity to be announced. Playing music is also on tap so bring your ukulele and other musical instruments to join in on the fun.
For those of you who are thinking camping is not for you, we should tell you that there are nicely appointed lavatories with flush toilets on site! If that isn’t enough to entice you, how about the rare opportunity to sleep under the stars and a penultimate full moon (full moon is on June 7th) in the uniquely spectacular setting of Waipio Valley. And, you will have a wonderful home-cooked dinner that will nourish your body and your soul. And, you will be sharing the table with others who care about good, clean and fair food and preserving food cultures around the world.
4-wheel drives are required to get to the farm and cross the river. If you do not have such a vehicle, please let us know and we can arrange carpools or a shuttle from Waipio Wayside Inn at the top of the valley.
Slow Food Hawaii invites all of you to join us for this very special event.
*Cost: $75.00 for members or $100.00 for non-members
$50.00 for members or $75.00 for non-members if you would like to come for the afternoon and dinner only
*Tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
We ask that you enroll no later than May 15th so we will be able to give Alberta and Jayson a headcount for their planning purposes.
Please reserve a space by e-mailing Jeanne Oshima at
To secure your reservation, please send a check made payable to Slow Food Hawaii to:
Jeanne Oshima
65-1237 Pu’uki Place
Kamuela, HI 96743
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